
Measuring Progress To Address Statelessness In The EU and Georgia

European Migration Network has published inform “Measuring Progress To Address Statelessness In The EU and Georgia”. The inform includes information on used statelessness definitions among states, statistics, procedures and grounds for application.

EMN Inform “Exploring Legal Pathways to Meet Labour Market Needs”

The European Migration Network has published a new Inform, Exploring Legal Pathways to Fulfil Labour Needs, which examines trends, innovative methods and approaches in migration management in the context of talent partnerships aimed at legal. labour migration, mobility and skills development.

EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2020

The year 2020 brought about unforeseen developments in the areas of migration and asylum. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the number of migrants, asylum applicants and returns, and also acted as a catalyst for development of new digital solutions in asylum and migration management.

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