Statistical annex 2020

The statistical annex to the 2020 EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum provides an overview of relevant statistics of 2020. The statistics include data from the European Union (EU) and Norway.  In 2020, general trends have been observed in the EU and linked to changes in migration and asylum issues. Although the percentage of third-country nationals has increased across the EU from 2017 to 2020, many indicators have decreased significantly in 2020.

The major changes clearly relate to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was reflected in the statistics. In this context, it should be noted that a significantly smaller number of cases of non-EU entry at the external border have been identified in 2020. Similar trends are also seen in relation to the number of short-stay visas issued, which have been issued significantly less than previously. There is also a reduction in the number of asylum requests submitted by vulnerable groups, particularly unaccompanied minors.

The effects of COVID-19 are also identifiable in Latvia. Fewer first-time residence permits have been issued in the event of a pandemic. There were significantly less approved invitations and calls. Meanwhile, in 2020, the number of visas issued, and asylum applications received from Belarussian citizens increased. In relation to the number of visas issued, it can be noted that, like in other EU Member States, in Latvia, most of the visas issued in 2020 consist of Schengen visas, national visas were issued less.

In relation to the return of third-country nationals to the country of origin,  voluntary return cases dominate in Latvia and other EU Member States.

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